Incessant [in-ses-uh-nt] adjective. "continuing without interruption; ceaseless; unending."
Incandescent [in-kuh n-des-uh nt] adjective. "intensely bright, brilliant. aglow with purpose, ardor."

Finding ceaseless, intense brightness, vigor and purpose for life

Rachel, 20, current university attendee, studying counselling psychology. I believe in tea in the mornings, coffee in the afternoons and wine in the evening. I'm passionate about learning, and learning all that I can as well as following my interests in discovering more about myself. Which is a continuous process.

Strident feminist, book lover and social media enthusiast, this will be my third attempt at serious blogging. Figured that now I'm "all grown up" (right) I actually have things to talk about. Not only is writing a great personal outlet for my thoughts on the world I inhabit, but simply, more writing makes you a better writer.
As well, blogging and the internet in general has done wonders for putting me in contact with some pretty amazing people and I wanted to get back to that.

I hope this blog will be a way to not only archive my own thoughts as I grow, but for me to appreciate culture and books and film, post study tips and outfits, reflect on world issues and share my day-to-day goings on as I work through my degree.

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