Thursday, October 15, 2015

in my autumnal graces

                So, as it is, I haven't touched this blog since a couple days before term started and I was compelled to sit down when an unusually quiet moment of this semester found me. As I right this, I'm simmering butter chicken on the stove top (albeit, I didn't make the sauce), and reheating tarka dhal I actually did make, while vegetable roast in the oven. The narrows of my house are quiet except for the hum of the dryer and the sky outside the kitchen is splintered with a cold sun shower. Through that the sky is a that lovely shifting shade of pink white and I can't stop strolling through our living room to look at how illuminated the harbor is. The bank across the water is finally showing a multitude of fiery umbers, crimsons and rusty browns and I too finally feel autumnal.

                   This semester picked up at an insanely fast rate and a lot changed in the time between my last post and this one. I got an offer to write for an independent publication. I became much interested in the politics of the province and where my place lies in the beast of democracy. I started volunteering in a research lab, where I watch the bustle and goings on of the honors and grad students and help out where I can. I settled into life downtown and am getting the hang of a routine.

                   Which is sort of what brought me to this post. I have been slacking in sending some thankful vibes to the universe as of late and sitting in my kitchen in the quiet contentment of scene I just painted I realized that compared to this time last year, I was in such a different head space. Not even a bad one per say, but definitely not one that held as much bubbling enthusiasm for the future or general fulfillment. Academia is one of the easiest bubbles to get wrapped up in, fretting over where you're to relative to everyone around you but I feel like I wouldn't be paying myself the dues I deserve in saying "hey, it's not perfect but what it, and your trending upwards, sugar."

It's been that kind of day. I'm off to be more productive and write about metaphysics. G'night.


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