Sunday, October 5, 2014

Weekly Musings #3: volunteering and spotify addiction addition

I know I usually do these on Fridays but this has been a pretty hectic week/weekend so I had to push it off until I had some time to myself. I'm in the two weeks of midterm exams here at uni so things have been more than a little rushed and overwhelming the past few days, so taking a break with some tea and catching up on posts is just a good way to decompress for me.
So, without further ado!

Volunteering: A couple of weeks ago, I sent in my application to volunteer at the Women's Resource Center on campus and I sat an interview and got selected! It's been a whirl-wind of getting familiar with my duties and such but it's essentially a really amazing group of feminist ladies providing a safe space, information & resources and peer support as well as a bunch of other things to the campus.
I really struggled my first year meeting like minded people and it is beyond lovely to be able to hold conversations with like minded women and take part in organizing events that are relevant to the beliefs I hold strongly. It's just been excellent for: my sense of self and mental health.

Spotify addiction: Not quite as intrinsicly meaningful as aforementioned volunteering but still something that's been making me ΓΌber happy. Living in Canada, Spotify isn't a huge thing here but J got an early invitation and of course, sent me an e-mail invitation so I could peruse the amazing music libraries and playlists. I've always been a fan of music platforms like this (re: 8tracks), and it's definitely way more efficient and streamlined and has been treating me to an abundance of new songs and artists, which, is really what I'm happy about because music is so important to me and how I feel.

honorable mentions:

• Night Vale • baby biceps forming (!) • acai tea • weather finally being cool enough for scarves and boots • lovely messages from people on tumblr • vigorous debate • calls from my dad • baked goods • post run feelings • buying new school supplies • chatting with lovely girls at my bus stop • warm laundry from the dryer • collecting pins for my school bag • awaiting stuff coming in the mail • sleep overs with J • mexican food dates • massages • bright fall days • happy dogs • cross words • holding hands • finally being over my ridiculous head cold • good hair days • smiling at strangers •philosophy class  • helpful, kind customer service workers

link love:
• Michelle's TilT for all things fall related - I am so here for this.
• I am so in love with the photo's Amy share of her beautiful King's College dorm.
• The Beauty Department serves it up again with this hella cool upside down cat eye makeup look.
 The Pomodoro Technique for studying is proving super effective for any other students out there!
• This stunning botanical illustration; I wish I had a hundred of these for my room. • This snarky comic totally firing some shots on this pertinent issues.

So darlin's, what made this week wonderful for you? (p.s. all photo are indeed mine)

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