Friday, August 29, 2014

weekly musings #1: back to school jitters and cliff jaunts

image credit: weheartit
Bringing back weekly musings with fervor and gusto; it's basically a less snappy version of miss Gala Darling's Things I Love Thursday (TiLT). I somehow prefer Fridays as the day to sum up the little tidbits that have been going in my life as well as some enjoyable links to fantastic things around the interwebs.
I would say I care about using the word 'interwebs' like a 12 year old, but I don't.
So without further ado.

back to school jitters: I have less than a week before classes start and though throughout most of the summer I was primed and ready to head back to campus, my apprehension at heading back to city life is rising. I have so many things left to do, new furniture to pick up, forms to hand in, house-cleaning to do, pick up a new bus pass, my head is spinning. Plus just general apprehension at finding my way around the buildings again, worrying if I'm going to have any crap professors this term. But mostly I'm happy to plan and organize and enthusiastically stock up school supplies. (Please tell me I'm not the only one who loves this.)

cliff jaunts: If I haven't mentioned it already I'm from a very small town on the island of Newfoundland and if you've never heard/seen of such a place before.. to put it mildly, we have a lot of space to explore. Most towns & cities here are right on the waters edge so J (the boyfriend) and I took a little walk around his hometown (which is about 15 minutes away from mine) and spent the day exploring the woods, beaches, brooks and cliffs. I got some lovely shots which I'll definitely share with you in the next couple days!

image credit: pinterest  

honorable mentions:
• intense workouts (leg day, get at me) 
• my morning cup of tea • the lovely rainy weather as of late • packing • fresh haircuts • laughing until I thought I wasn't going to breathe again • going to bed early • fruit and veg' smoothies in the morning • J and I both having short hair so we share/exchange hair products • morning cuddles and sookin' from the kitten • my skin finally deciding to clear up • strong brow game • homemade bread • reading at night • deep yoga stretches • bursting with ideas for blog posts • vines (don't even pretend some of them aren't hilarious) • having J home again

link love:
• How ridiculous anti-rape advice sounds when directed at men. • Amazing minimalist Bowie tattoo• Since I have a love and affinity for anything planner, moleskin or notebook related, Amy's review of the 'Seize the Day' planner by Iconic makes me swoon.  • Closure in Moscow is my new favorite group; Seeds of Gold is an amaaaazing song! • This comic. • Sneakers for fall• Because I love pasta recipes.

What's been making your week, darlings? 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Bedroom Inspiration

I ended up moving to a new house after my first year in university, and am now in a place with 4 other lovely roommates and have a new bedroom to think about decorating. Such is the case that I will be heading back to move in within a couple of days, I thought it prudent to put together a little post summarizing what I'd like my space to be.
I've upgraded to a queen bed, and that combined with the fact that my new room is a mite bit smaller than my old one I want to use my space more efficiently for storage, study, leisure as well as keeping to minimalist, more mature aesthetic.

The general idea I want it light and cozy; white and cream with pops of bright color and warm lighting which make the space inviting. I have  few DIY projects I'm going to attempt as well for keeping me organized as well for wall art and such. I will surely post pictures once my room has totally come together but for now I thought I'd post some pictures I've accumulated of spaces & particular projects and room elements I like.
(Side note: all of these pictures come from tumblr or pinterest so I do not claim to own any of these, rather, the credit goes to the respective photographer. Collage app credit to PicMonkey.)


This just happens to be the few images I liked the most. I may or may not add in some more as I find them.
What do you lovelies have planned for your back to school digs?

Monday, August 25, 2014

Musical Mondays: Billie Holiday

If anyone knows me, they know I have a huge affinity for all things music related. I've been performing for about 4 years now, with a variety of shows under my belt. Full band stuff and/or  acoustic sets (with my trusty rosewood Seagull) doing both covers of artists I love and tribute shows as well. So, I figured it was only appropriate for me to blog about my wide-ranging and eclectic taste in music. It always helps as a performer to be familiar with lots of different genres and in my case I just happen to like a lot of different music in any case!
So to kick things off since I'm in a jazzy mood, I'm bringing in the big guns with Billie Holiday. Funnily enough, though I've been a huge fan of her music since forever and an age I've performed her music.

Actually, not all that surprising since I haven't gotten to work with a good jazz band/pianist in a long time. Anyways, Ms. Lady Day has this amazing throaty, rasping vocals that suit the more morose side of the jazz in the best possible way. Though she did record some lovely renditions of more upbeat jazz standards.

I first found her through the the Audrey Tautou Chanel No°5 ad, where her track of "I'm a Fool to Want You" was playing. I'd never heard her before then and was absolutely enchanted by it. She had a rough childhood and was also a rape victim and prostitute ($5 a client if anyone was interested) so clearly in singing some of these songs she was drawing from a very real, raw, emotional place. 
Her discography totals at 12 studio albums, 3 live albums, 24 compilations and one box set. She's easily sung hundreds of covers and it was hard pressed for me to pick a few favorites. But I'll try. 

indisputable favourites

1. Stormy Weather 

2. I'm a Fool to Want You
3. God Bless the Child
4. Strange Fruit
5. Gloomy Sunday 
6. The Way You Look Tonight

7. I Wished On the Moon

8. Gee, Baby Ain't I good to You?
9. You've Changed
10. You Don't Know What Love Is
11.  Violets for Your Furs
12. Pennies From Heaven

These are just the ones I forced myself to pick, I love pretty much every track I hear her sing. Her stuff is actually my favorite music to listen to when I'm getting all dolled up and fancy because it makes me feel like a 40's starlet. I don't even care. She was a striking women herself who had her brow game on lock before anyone else even knew what it was. And her penchant for wearing a white dahlia in her coiffed hair was the loveliest.   

I'm probably going to end up giving other jazz artists some honorable mentions (Miles Davis or Chet Baker anyone?) but I decided she deserved my first go in this weekly series!

So, heard of Ms. Holiday before? Took a listen to any of her stuff? Love it or not? Let me know what you think!

Monday, August 18, 2014

september resolutions

Image credit: Tumblr
As the start of classes draw closer (a mere 17 days to go!) I find myself ruminating more and more on what sort of things I would like my second year back to university to be. Of course, there's a lot of long term objectives in that, but in terms of the more attainable sphere of things I've decided to compile a list of resolutions for my first month of "back-to-school". Side note, that feeling never gets old does it?

1. Make time for reading 

I'm that person who'll be on her death bed looking at the stack of books next to her going "I'll get there." I used to be a very voracious book-worm, especially when I was younger. We're talking a book a day here. But my admitted addiction to social media and university workload combined has me halfheartedly attempting to start/finish novels. I find by the time I have any down-time at all, I'm too exhausted to put in the brainpower to read. But for September I would like to allot a half hour before I go to sleep to crack at whatever book is on my plate. I get to unwind from screen-time before sleep and actually finish books.

2. Get to the gym on the regular 

I actually love working out. Getting my sweat on is my favorite way to burn off steam when things get stressful.  However I find that, especially when I'm back at school, I'm a slacker when it comes to actually getting my butt there. My schedule for the fall semester has breaks from 11:00 to 2:00 Monday through Friday so that's a perfect niche to fit in some cardio and weight training at the campus gym. As well as lunch before my last classes of the day. Committing to such a schedule will be good for both my brain and body.

3. Get organized and stay that way

Due to a number of factors ('culture'-shock and slacking being a couple of them) my first year at uni didn't go quite the way I wanted and, as a result, my marks suffered a bit. Part of that being I didn't keep on top of my due dates for exams, papers, etc. and prep accordingly. Armed with my Filofax (scarlet Domino, if you were curious) and it's new inserts, mountain of sticky notes, and assortment of pens, I intend to implement a proper study schedule to keep ahead of my readings and work. Luck does favor the prepared.

4. Be more aware of my spending 

I'm far from broke, but, I'm a student, so I'm not exactly rich either. I also didn't exactly run myself into the ground my first year, but there were a couple tight moments so my second year back I intend to track where my money goes a lot more. Which means (beyond my initial back to school necessities), no buying over-priced campus coffee, or the food there for that matter (which actually tastes like sadness and cardboard), budgeting my weekly grocery allowance a bit more, and no impulse buying. That way I can splurge out on a fancy date with my boyfriend, or a good quality piece that will actually last in my wardrobe.

5. Document more
I actually want to make a point of using my nifty little Canon Elph and catalog more of my day to day life. Not only so I will actually have photographic memories of all I do this year coming, but it'll be a positive force in my life to see what lovely things I can find to take photos of.  I'd also like to get back to keeping a daily journal. I started so with vigor at the beginning of the summer but by mid-July I'd stopped but I find it clears out space in my brain to have a judgement-free space to talk about my life.

So lovelies, that's pretty much it! Do you have any particular goals or resolutions for September? 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

an introduction, of sorts

Incessant [in-ses-uh-nt] adjective. "continuing without interruption; ceaseless; unending."
Incandescent [in-kuh n-des-uh nt] adjective. "intensely bright, brilliant. aglow with purpose, ardor."

          I suppose my choice for a blog title and URL was a rather arbitrary one; I simply liked the alliteration, really. "Incandescent" has also just been my favourite word since Pride & Prejudice in 2005. However, I do think it represents me in the fact that it is a two-word, personal manifesto for how I'd like to live my life.
Ceaseless, intense brightness, vigor and purpose for life.  Starting blogging again, among other 'returns' for me, is to make a point of using my 24 hours a day in a meaningful way and to not let my days go to waste. In an homage to the late and great Robin Williams: carpe diem, if you will.

And though I know I already included a handy button with a short blurb on myself and an 'about me' page, I might as well say it one more time. I'm Rachel, a tender 19 years of age, and a current university attendee in Atlantic Canada, with a penchant for boyish collegiate clothes, frowning a lot and pretending I'll actually make it through Anna Karenina before I'm 80.

Here in my first post I wanted to specify more what this blog is going to be about. Lifestyle blog is probably the best way to tag it, as I'm not particularly focused on one thing or the other. Rather, this will be a collection and reflection of the many facets of me. My outfits, musings on one world issue or another, fitness and health, university-related posts, book/film/music reviews and recommendations and a simply a place to catalog my life and find confidence in myself.

If you're the type of person who doesn't mind the occasional existential outburst, enjoys hard cover books and also has an obsession with achieving the perfect eyebrow, I think you'll fit right in. 
