Sunday, August 17, 2014

an introduction, of sorts

Incessant [in-ses-uh-nt] adjective. "continuing without interruption; ceaseless; unending."
Incandescent [in-kuh n-des-uh nt] adjective. "intensely bright, brilliant. aglow with purpose, ardor."

          I suppose my choice for a blog title and URL was a rather arbitrary one; I simply liked the alliteration, really. "Incandescent" has also just been my favourite word since Pride & Prejudice in 2005. However, I do think it represents me in the fact that it is a two-word, personal manifesto for how I'd like to live my life.
Ceaseless, intense brightness, vigor and purpose for life.  Starting blogging again, among other 'returns' for me, is to make a point of using my 24 hours a day in a meaningful way and to not let my days go to waste. In an homage to the late and great Robin Williams: carpe diem, if you will.

And though I know I already included a handy button with a short blurb on myself and an 'about me' page, I might as well say it one more time. I'm Rachel, a tender 19 years of age, and a current university attendee in Atlantic Canada, with a penchant for boyish collegiate clothes, frowning a lot and pretending I'll actually make it through Anna Karenina before I'm 80.

Here in my first post I wanted to specify more what this blog is going to be about. Lifestyle blog is probably the best way to tag it, as I'm not particularly focused on one thing or the other. Rather, this will be a collection and reflection of the many facets of me. My outfits, musings on one world issue or another, fitness and health, university-related posts, book/film/music reviews and recommendations and a simply a place to catalog my life and find confidence in myself.

If you're the type of person who doesn't mind the occasional existential outburst, enjoys hard cover books and also has an obsession with achieving the perfect eyebrow, I think you'll fit right in. 


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